Russell Brand is all over the news. On cue, the MSM has been vilifying and convicting Russell by mere unsubstantiated allegations, repetition of assertations, and framing of the “story” reported by the very same MSM media that has brought us all these wars of aggression by the United States for the last 20 years.
The MSM are totally believable right?
Does anyone else not see the “selective” outrage by the #NATOLeft, the #MeToo movement in the vilification and conviction, in the court of public opinion regarding Russell Brand?
Is it only me?
Are you already making up your mind and jumping to the conclusion I’m defending Russell? Most already have convicted Russell, at least in their own mind. Just look at all the online posts by the #NATOleft calling him every name in the book, and lumping in anyone who does hold their view into the same conviction.
Let me be perfectly clear, I’m not saying Russell is 100% innocent. But, the premise of our entire legal system is supposed to be predicated and built upon the bedrock of principle, innocent until proven guilty. Our own constitution calls for due process. But, according to the #NATOLeft, #MeToo movement and the MSM, there’s no need for a trial or due process. The mere presence of an allegation of rape is all that is needed to reach a collusion. He’s guilty.
But here’s the thing. Where is the outrage when it comes to high profile banks and bankers that allegedly facilitated, participated and help cover up Jeffery Epstein’s underage child sex trafficking operations for over a decade? The silence is overwhelming. It’s stunning in it’s omission from the #MeToo conversation. Aren’t we supposed to “believe all women”? What about Epstein’s victims?
How many of you have ever heard of any of the following people listed below that have all been implicated in either facilitating, participating or help coving up Jeffery Epstein’s underage child sex trafficking operations.
Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank
Gary Gensler, Chair of Securities and Exchange Commission
Leslie Wexner is the former longtime Chairman and CEO of The Limited (a/k/a L Brands) retailing chain which, at various times, included Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria’s Secret, Lane Bryant, Bath & Body Works and others.
Leon Black, a Billionaire, is accused of raping a 16-year-old girl with Down syndrome and autism in 2002 at the Manhattan townhouse of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
Stephen Cutler, the former Director of Enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission
Jes Staley, the CEO at the British global bank, Barclays, is stepping down immediately following a probe by British regulators into his ties with child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein. Staley’s ties to Epstein occurred while he was an executive at JPMorgan Chase, and was the head of JPMorgan’s asset management division from 2001 to 2009 and CEO of its investment bank from 2009 to 2013.
James S. Crown, A current member of the JPMorgan Chase Board at the time of the filing of the lawsuit who is alleged to have had business ties to Epstein.
This is just a scratch in the surface of the people implicated in court filings against JPMorgan Chase, but not much has been heard about them in the MSM. Why not? Why are they not having their life completely and utterly vilified and convicted in the court of public opinion?
According to the #MeToo movement and the #NATOLeft, , Russell Brand is not to be believed, for any reason. He’s guilty. No due process or presumption of innocent required. He’s guilty. They’ already made up their mind, solely based on a MSM “story”.
I would be amazed if anyone of the #NATOLeft, the #MeToo movement has even heard of any of the names I listed above.
Where is the outrage for their alleged facilitation, participation and subsequent coverup of Jeffery Epstein’s underage child sex trafficking operations, that lasted for over a decade. Why haven’t they been dragged through the court of public opinion?
You can find extensive reporting about these names and more at WallStreetOnParade.